House Speaker To Biden: Your Actions Against Israel Are Making Hostage Release Harder

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House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) sent a pointed letter to President Joe Biden on Wednesday, criticizing the President’s handling of the American hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

“I write today to express grave concern that your administration is not taking sufficient steps to ensure the release of American hostages who are detained by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. It has been 8 months since Iranian-backed terrorists invaded Israel and murdered over 1,200 Israelis, took 235 people-including American citizens hostage, and committed acts of rape and other horrific atrocities that are clear violations of international law and human rights,” Johnson stated in his letter.

Johnson accused the administration of failing to support Israel’s military objectives against Hamas, thereby complicating efforts to free the hostages. “The failure to resolutely support Israel in its military objectives to eliminate Hamas has made it harder to help facilitate the release of those being detained, including American hostages that Hamas brutally kidnapped on October 7, 2023. Instead of focusing on bringing home the Americans and Israelis held hostage, your administration has spent months pressuring and attempting to micromanage Israel,” he wrote.

The Speaker emphasized the need for the U.S. to back Israel’s self-defense and work for the hostages’ immediate release. “The United States must do everything in our power to support Israel’s right to self-defense, and work toward the immediate release of hostages, including the remaining American citizens,” Johnson added.

He further criticized Biden for actions that he believes have weakened the U.S.-Israel alliance and hindered efforts to bring the hostages home. “Today, the hostage situation is deteriorating quickly, and American families feel betrayed by a President who is allowing their loved ones and other hostages to languish. The undermining of Israel, especially as it is fighting a war for its survival from Iranian-backed groups on multiple fronts, is unconscionable, unacceptable, and contradicts your claim to have an ‘ironclad’ commitment to Israel’s security. It is long past time your administration instead put maximum pressure on Hamas and its enablers,” Johnson asserted.

Johnson urged Biden to utilize all available American resources and influence to support Israel in freeing the hostages and to ensure Israel has the necessary means to defend itself. He wrote, “leverage all American options and influence to support Israel in bringing these hostages home, and restore the use of emergency authorities to ensure Israel has everything it needs immediately to defeat these threats and restore security.”

This letter follows a recent video by Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu expressing surprise at the Biden administration’s delays in munitions shipments to Israel during its conflict with Hamas.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded to Netanyahu’s claims with confusion, stating, “We genuinely do not know what he is talking about. We just don’t,” while acknowledging a delay in a specific shipment of munitions. “We continue to have these constructive discussions with Israelis for the release of that particular shipment,” she added. “There are no other pauses, none, no other pauses or holds in place. Everything else is moving in due process.”

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby also commented, describing Netanyahu’s claims as “vexing and disappointing to us as much as it was incorrect.”

In response, Netanyahu maintained, “I am prepared to suffer personal attacks provided that Israel gets the munitions it needs from the US.”

Despite these assurances, U.S. officials recently confirmed a reduction in arms shipments to Israel, including a delay in precision bomb deliveries.

On Wednesday, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met with U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, later noting “significant progress” on resuming munitions supplies to Israel.




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