Hundreds Of Residents Told To Evacuate After Miami Condo Building Deemed Unsafe

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Hundreds of Miami residents were forced from their eight-story condo building Monday night after city officials determined the structure was unsafe.

The 137-unit building at 5050 NW Seventh St. was placed under an evacuation order, according to Miami building director Asael “Ace” Marrero, NBC 6 South Florida reported.

“We obviously don’t feel that it’s safe,” he told the news station. “Structural integrity has been degraded by the contractor proceeding with the repairs that they were not authorized to do.”

Before the evacuation notice on Monday, city officials said the building had been placed on the unsafe structure list in May based on images of property damage. The condominium was also found to be noncompliant with the city’s recertification process.

Read more at NBC News.



  1. You can’t only have one building unsafe. They need to make it sound like that other building that the ds exploded collapsed because of safety.


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