Hy”d: IDF Soldier Yehuda Geto Killed in IED Explosion

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On Monday morning it was cleared for publication that Sgt. First Class (res.) Yehuda Geto, 22, from Pardes Channa-Karkur was killed by an IED explosion in the Nur Shams area, east of Tulkarm.

In addition to the death of Geto, a combat driver, another soldier was severley wounded in the explosion.

Multiple soldiers from the elite Duvdevan Unit were riding in the vehicle in which Sgt. Geto was killed. However, B’Chasdei Hashem, they exited the vehicle before the explosion occurred and were unscathed.

In a separate incident, Duvdevan soldiers killed a terrorist who fired at them.



  1. Aren’t you afraid the pro-Arab radical liberal “Supreme” Court of Injustice in Israel will sue you, Matzav, for adding “HY”D”?


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