I Am Now Fighting to Save My Daughter’s Life

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Dear Am Israel,

My Brothers and Sisters –

My Name is Reuven Michaelli and I am 65 years old. My family and I lived peacefully on an Israeli farm for over 35 years. 3 Years ago, my dear wife Micha passed away from a vicious form of cancer. I have not been the same person since, I have slowly lost all my will to live life without her. I think about ending my life every single day; the only thing keeping me going is my daughter Shani.

Shortly after my wife passed away, Arab gangsters began threatening me to pay them extortion money. Firs, they burnt down my business/land and then they threatened to kill me and my daughter if we did not pay them $100,000. After lots of efforts, we managed to convince them, to accept 50,000$ now, and another 50,000$ in 6 months. I have no where to go and no one to turn too. The police have told me that there is nothing they can do to help protect me and my daughter. Many lawyers and Rabbanim have been helping me around the clock, and BH since Sukkot we have managed to raise $27,000.


Every few days I receive death threats from the gangsters demanding the rest of the money.

I cannot flee Israel and go to another country, as I am sick and need medical attention in Israel. I also cannot leave my daughter behind, as I may never see her again. My only option in order to save my life and to keep me near my daughter is to pay the rest of the money – $23,000 – the price which has been placed on my head. I and those helping me, have BH managed to stall them until now for the first 50,000$, but I Know that if I do not pay soon, my time will be up c’v!!

I beg of you to please open your hearts, to save me and my daughter!

Thank you!

Reuven and Shani



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