IDF SHOWS PROOF: Eliminated Doctors Without Borders PT was Islamic Jihad Member

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The Arabic Language Spokesman of the IDF, Avichay Adraee, published photos proving that Doctors Without Borders (MSF) physical therapist Fadi Jihad Muhammad Al-Wadiya, was indeed a terrorist with a Islamic Jihad terror group. Al-Wadiya was eliminated in a strike on Tuesday by the IAF.

Adraee published several photos showing Al-Wadiya in a military uniform standing with other terrorists. In one of the photos, the terrorist is standing under a banner with the symbol of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization.

“Fadi Al-Wadiya had worked in the Islamic Jihad’s manufacturing system for more than 15 years and was considered the organization’s subject matter expert in the fields of electronics and chemistry,” wrote Adraee.

He emphasized that “the same year Al-Wadiya joined Doctors Without Borders (MSF), he attempted to leave the Gaza Strip for Iran with two other terrorists, aiming to undergo training.

“Despite Doctors Without Borders portraying Al-Wadiya as a healer, he was a significant threat. This highlights how terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip exploit international aid organizations,” Adraee concluded.

On Tuesday, Doctors Without Borders tried to smear Israel, with their operations manager for Palestine Caroline Seguin saying: “Killing a healthcare worker while on his way to provide vital medical care to wounded victims of the endless massacres across Gaza is beyond shocking; it’s cynical and abhorrent,”



  1. Doctors Without Borders trying to smear Israel is unfortunately not shocking; but it still is cynical and abhorrent.


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