Idiot Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Continues To Attack Israel

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Climate activist Greta Thunberg has once again criticized Israel, this time during a “for Palestine” demonstration in Leipzig, Germany. Surprisingly, she opted to attend the anti-Israel protest rather than the Last Generation’s climate rally, held nearby.

Thunberg, addressing the gathering, asserted, “We cannot remain silent. No one can remain silent when there’s an ongoing genocide.” She emphasized the need to stand up against oppression, imperialism, war, and all forms of discrimination and racism.

Despite her strong stance against Israel, Thunberg has refrained from condemning the October 7th massacre, becoming a prominent voice against the country since the war erupted. In a Swedish demonstration, she went as far as calling to “crush Zionism,” leading several climate organizations to disassociate from her involvement. Luisa-Marie Neubauer, chairwoman of Germany’s Fridays for Future project founded by Thunberg, distanced herself from Thunberg’s words, describing them as a “one-sided” opinion. Neubauer expressed disappointment that Thunberg overlooked the Jewish victims of the October 7th massacre and suggested reevaluating their collaboration based on shared values.

Ricarda Lang, the leader of Germany’s Green Party, strongly criticized Thunberg’s statements, deeming them “completely frustrating and obscene.” Lang accused Thunberg of denying the existence of Israel and emphasized the importance of clarity on fundamental values, including the protection of Jews. While acknowledging that youth movements may not take a position on every issue, Lang asserted that there should be a clear stance on fundamental values. Thunberg’s words, according to Lang, lacked such clarity and contradicted the protection of Jewish interests.


  1. Greta never received a good spanking by her parents as a child. Sparing the rod for such a troubled child is a sin.


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