Idiot Jewish Democrat Likens Netanyahu To Putin Over IDF Bombing Campaign In Gaza

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Jewish Democratic House Representative Steve Cohen draws a parallel between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin in relation to the ongoing conflict between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Hamas in Gaza.

Cohen expresses his concern on Twitter, stating, “Netanyahu has gone way too far, and [US National Security Adviser] Jake Sullivan will be informing him that the bombing must be greatly limited or Israel will be without its last real friend, the USA and [its president], Joe Biden.”

Adding to his criticism, Cohen asserts that the President is disenchanted with what he perceives as Netanyahu’s Putin-like, unrestrained approach to the war. Cohen emphasizes the prioritization of hostages and criticizes the impact on civilians, stating, “The President is finished with Bibi’s Putin-like no-holds-barred war. Hostages first! Civilians never.” This stance aligns with Cohen’s longstanding discontent with Netanyahu, highlighted by his boycott of the prime minister’s speech to Congress opposing the Iran nuclear deal negotiated during then-US president Barack Obama’s term.



  1. Keep voting for these Idiot DemocRATs. They’ll stab us in the back every time even if they call themselves Jewish. These are charzer fressing shkootzim. They’re worse than Goyim. Pooey!!

  2. The Israeli left hates Bibi and they’re in concert with American pols to call for his ouster. This is the newest narrative all over media.

  3. Oh, we all have to hang together? At worst, he’s a shmendrik. At Nate’s level — altho not a convicted ganeff.

  4. Go join Hamas if you like them so much. You’re a self hating Jew at best. that’s assuming you’re even a Jew according to halacha.


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