IDIOTIC: CNN Takes Heat for Saying Israeli Hostages Were ‘Released’

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CNN faced significant backlash after airing a segment that inaccurately described Israeli hostages as being “released” during a bold rescue operation in Gaza.

Network anchor Victor Blackwell and Eurasia Group founder Ian Bremmer were discussing the dramatic mission to save the four hostages when the word “release” appeared on a chyron.

Critics quickly responded, highlighting that Hamas did not voluntarily release the hostages.

“Come on @CNN the four hostages were RESCUED not released. Do better,” the account StopAntisemitism posted on X.

Yaari Cohen, an Israeli student, called the chyron “disgusting” and said the network “should be ashamed.”

“Hamas didn’t ‘release’ these hostages, the IDF rescued them after Hamas held them for 8 months!!” Cohen wrote on X.

Neither Blackwell nor Bremmer used the word “release” during the interview, which was centered on Israel’s war cabinet minister Benny Gantz and his anticipated press conference regarding his expected resignation from Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s government.

{Dov T. Heller –}


  1. And yet, these same people trusted CNN and the others, when they commanded the lemechel sheeple watching their “news cast”, to lockdown and get vaccinated. They believed CNN when they declared Covid vaccines to be safe and effective safe and effective safe and effective, with no side effects whatsoever.


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