‘I’m Not Going Anywhere’: Haley Vows To Stay In The Race At Least Through Super Tuesday

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Former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley on Sunday vowed to stay in the Republican presidential primary race at least through Super Tuesday. Simultaneously, she criticized a shelved strategy proposed by the Republican National Committee urging the party to coalesce behind Donald Trump.

Anticipating a stronger performance in her home state of South Carolina compared to the Iowa Republican caucus and the recent New Hampshire primary, Haley expressed her aspirations on NBC’s Meet the Press. Reflecting on her performance in New Hampshire, she asserted, “I think I need to do better than I did in New Hampshire.” Emphasizing the evolving nature of her campaign, she described it as a “building situation.”

Although selected by Trump as the US ambassador to the United Nations during his presidency, Haley hesitated to commit to remaining in the race until the Republican nominating convention in July. However, she affirmed her intention to participate in Super Tuesday, stating, “I take it one state at a time…I’m not going anywhere.”

Haley didn’t mince words when criticizing the Republican National Committee, asserting that it is “clearly not” an impartial mediator in the party’s primary race. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel’s declaration, following Trump’s victory in New Hampshire, indicating Trump’s growing influence within the party, was met with disapproval from Haley. McDaniel’s statement on Fox News, asserting, “I don’t see it for Nikki Haley,” further fueled the tension.

The RNC had initially suggested a plan, later abandoned, designating Trump as the “presumptive nominee.” Trump, reacting on social media, urged the RNC not to proceed with the resolution for the sake of party unity. He emphasized his desire to “finish the process off AT THE BALLOT BOX,” rejecting any premature declarations about his nomination.



  1. She would have to be crazy to drop out before Trump secures the nomination with actual votes. End of the day it is a two person race. Whatever her chances are or aren’t they are still a lot better than the chances most candidates who slog through the primaries face. And even if she does lose, by the dint of her being the only one to challenge Trump she can easily position herself as the voice of the GOP that is opposed to Trump. Plus if Trump gets elected and messes she can always say “you see, you should have listened to me” and use that as her reason for running in 2028.

    She has nothing to lose by staying in and what does she have to gain by dropping out? A week later she will be as relevant as last weeks snow.

    • It costs lots of money just to remain in the race. Our system works that way. That’s why it is said “We have the finest politicians money can buy”. Nikki Haley is a great Lady. She will be a great President one day but not this coming election. The country will not survive without President Trump.

  2. If she’s stupid enough to continue running even though her rallies and meetings are max several dozens, let her stay until she’ll feel it in her bones how the American people hate her.

  3. This is how primary elections work. You give everyone an opportunity to vote and be counted. Regardless of when their state conducts the election.

    Besides which: A lot can happen between now and November. And probably will.

  4. She’ll look like an ausgeklapte hoshanah at the end of the race. Boy will her ego drop when she’ll finally open her eyes and realize nobody gives a hoot about her.

  5. It costs lots of money just to remain in the race. Our system works that way. That’s why it is said “We have the finest politicians money can buy”. Nikki Haley is a great Lady. She will be a great President one day but not this coming election. The country will not survive without President Trump.


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