Improving Your Work-Life Balance

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Leadership & Work-Life Balance Update from H. Leiner & Co.

The expression “work-life balance” has been around for decades, but the concept has been spotlighted in recent years due to the current research on technology, stress and burnout among employees. Although technological advancements of the digital age were designed to make doing work simpler and more efficient (allowing for more personal time), ironically, the lines between our work and personal life have become more difficult to define as the “busy culture” of our society worsens the divide as well. Research surveys from recent years have shown that the United States was one of the countries that offered employees the worst work-life balance and almost a third of its workers report that their stress level at work is high. Many varying perspectives exist on how to approach this challenge and navigate the work-life balance – some of which may believe it is not possible at all. The following tips offer suggestions on how to maximize your work time to allow for a better work-life balance. 


  • Eliminate low-value activities – Keep track of how you spend every minute of work time for a few days, and then review your time to identify activities which may be of low-value or distraction. By eliminating time spent on activities such as social media sites, personal phone calls, or grocery shopping, valuable time can be saved and spent taking care of your personal needs instead. 
  • Focus on core contributions – No matter your position within an organization, knowing or modeling how to say no to secondary duties or to additional work when your plate is already full is an essential skill in maintaining this balance. Taking time to think to ascertain availability before committing to a project or meeting with your boss to re-prioritize your to-do list may help keep the stress in check. 
  • Healthy coping mechanisms – Find healthy ways to cope with stress at work in the moment, such as taking moments to calm down and collect your thoughts, practicing deep breathing, or taking a short walk. Utilizing a coping method can clear your mind to handle the situation and define the line between work and personal health.  


Taking a moment to evaluate your usage of work time and how it impacts your work-life balance as a whole will allow for greater success in the office and at home. 


(Entrepreneur, Forbes, Harvard Business Review)


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