Israeli Defense Ministry to Increase the Budget to Treat Soldiers with PTSD

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Due to the war in Gaza, the Israeli Defense Ministry is tripling the budget allocated to organizations which aid IDF soldiers who suffer post-traumatic symptoms after their military service.

Around 8,000 injured soldiers who will be absorbed by the year’s end are likely to suffer various mental ailments, including anxiety, depression, post-trauma, difficulty adjusting, and communication difficulties, according to estimates by the Rehabilitation Department.

The new budget laid out by the Defense Ministry is six million NIS, and the expanded budget is intended to expand the treatment that both enlisted and reservist soldiers can access, and reduce the mental health issues caused by the war.

Treatments are carried out by multiple organizations, and are conducted in group or individual settings, with professional therapists.

Statistics from the Rehabilitation Department in December 2022 show that of 700,000 service requests in the fields of medicine, welfare, rehabilitation and employment, there were 138,968 hours of mental health care for disabled IDF soldiers and their families, as well as 134,688 hours of alternative care. Over 4,200 applications for recognition were submitted and, an increase of about 30% compared to 2021. 1,400 of the applications are for PTSD. These numbers are expected to rise due to the ongoing war.



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