TERROR IN YERUSHALAYIM: Israeli Soldier Succumbs To Wounds Sustained In Yerushalayim Attack

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Twenty-two-year-old Israeli soldier Staff Sgt. Asil Sawaed died this evening from wounds sustained earlier in the day in a terrorist attack at a checkpoint to Shuafat in eastern Jerusalem.

A 13-year-old Arab assailant stabbed Sawaed after he and a civilian guard had boarded a bus during a routine inspection at the checkpoint, police said. The guard then opened fire at the suspect, accidentally hitting Sawaed.

He was evacuated to Hadassah Medical Center with stab wounds to the head and a bullet wound to the thigh, according to reports, where he was pronounced dead.

The terrorist was subsequently arrested.

It came just hours after a teenager was stabbed and lightly to moderately injured in a terrorist attack in the Old City of Yerushalayim.

Magen David Adom said its personnel treated a fully conscious 17-year-old male near the Kosel, as he was stabbed at the Chain Gate entrance to the Har Habayis.

The victim was taken in stable condition to the city’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center.

Security forces arrested the terrorist, who had fled the scene and was found hiding atop the Har Hababyis.

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said on Sunday that the governing coalition would this week pass legislation in the Knesset to strip the citizenship of terrorists and expel them from the country.

The prime minister’s declaration comes after 6-year-old Yaakov Israel Paley and 20-year-old Alter Shlomo Lederman were killed on Friday when they were run over by an Arab Israeli driver in Yerushalayim’s Ramot neighborhood. Eight-year-old Asher Menachem Paley, Yaakov’s brother, died over Shabbos from wounds sustained in the attack. JNS


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