Jewish American Heritage Month Recognized by 37 States and 172 Cities

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The pace has picked up for municipalities and states embracing a time each year to recognize the contributions of American Jews to the country’s history.

According to figures released on May 21 by the Combat Antisemitism (CAM) movement, 37 states and 172 cities have chosen to recognize Jewish American Heritage Month in May.

Those numbers saw significant growth: CAM told JNS that in the last year, 34 states and 130 cities began commemorating the month.

States joining in 2024 include Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.

“We’re heartened this year to see dozens of more American municipalities and several states recognize JAHM for the first time, in addition to all those who renewed their annual commitment to doing so,” Arthur Maserjian, chief of staff at CAM, told JNS.

As antisemitism increases at a rate “unprecedented in American history,” Maserjian said the need to educate Americans of all backgrounds about Jewish American heritage “has never been more important.”

Maserjian told JNS that CAM, which has assisted in implementing Jewish American Heritage Month throughout the country, expressed gratitude “to the mayors, governors and other state, local and federal elected officials who have recognized this and supported this celebratory cause.”

CAM’s CEO Sacha Roytman-Dratwa said the group’s efforts embraced bipartisanship “because antisemitism is not a partisan issue, and we are committed to securing as much support as we can with elected officials at all levels throughout the country.”




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