Joint Liberman and Bennet Party? Reportedly Being Discussed

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Kan News is reporting that Avigdor Liberman, chairman of the Yisrael Beiteinu party has been corresponding with former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to achieve a political union. The idea would be to offer a right-wing alternative to the Likud and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

The report stated that while Liberman would like Bennett to join him in such a deal, Liberman wishes to lead the party.

Yisrael Beiteinu responded to the report saying:”There are no offers, it’s all rumors. Naturally, everyone is talking with everyone, there is nothing on the table at the moment. Liberman is busy and is working to create an alternative leadership and preparing correctly to topple the government.”

This new report comes on the heals of the news yesterday, that sources in Yisrael Beiteinu and the New Hope – The United Right parties confirmed that Liberman and Gideon Sa’ar are discussing a joint run in the next election.

No date has been set for new elections, making all of these plans simply talk for the time being. But there is a serious effort among Israeli politicians to offer voters an alternative to Bibi.



  1. Why would Bennet, who seems like a fairly decent guy, keep running back to team up with this trashy anti semitic self hating Jew?

    • Because bennett only care about 1 items & absolutely nothing else whatsoever:- That he must be prime-minister, irrespective of how messed up Israel or/& any other entity becomes by his being prime-minister.


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