Lara Trump Is Building an Army of ‘100,000 Poll Watchers and Over 500 Lawyers’ to ‘Deploy’ Across America in November

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Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump announced on Friday in a Detroit suburb that she and the RNC are mobilizing a substantial force of “over 100,000 poll watchers and over 500 lawyers” to be stationed at election sites nationwide in November.

These volunteers have three primary objectives: observe voters, monitor the vote counting process, and take legal action against any obstructive behavior.

“I believe if we have a free, fair and transparent election that there’s no question we’ll all be going to bed early on November 5,” she declared.

“And we’ll go to bed knowing Donald Trump is our next president.”

Lara Trump aims to have representatives present whenever votes are cast or counted.

The former president’s daughter-in-law also anticipates having numerous volunteer lawyers ready to address any challenges from poll officials with swift and effective legal responses.

Following her speech, which was filled with military-style terms like “deploy” and “battleground,” the approximately 75 assembled volunteers began training as potential poll watchers.

“Our people will be taught to be respectful and non-threatening, but to also follow the law,” stated RNC co-chair Michael Whatley.

“Our biggest goals this year with the Trump campaign are to get out the vote and protect the ballot.”

The audience appeared to resonate with these goals.

“I believe if we have a free, fair and transparent election that there’s no question we’ll all be going to bed early on November 5,” she reiterated.

Following her address, the volunteers commenced their training as potential poll watchers.

“I’m convinced that the election was stolen in 2020 . . . and I genuinely think if Joe Biden wins this one we will be heading towards World War Three,” one attendee expressed to The NY Post.

“This isn’t just about protecting our votes, it’s about protecting our families.”

Matthew, another potential poll watcher, identified himself as a member of Trump Force — a local group focused on voter registration and raising awareness about voter fraud.
He shared similar concerns.

“I’m forced to be here,” he told The NY Post. “I’ve gotta be here for my family’s sake.”

The initiative is set in motion to potentially become one of the largest voter-engagement campaigns ever, but it may also lead to complications.

When asked if these efforts might deter people from voting or result in violence at polling sites, Trump was unperturbed.

“Anyone who comes to these trainings will see and hear the lengths we are going to to ensure freedom, fairness and safety,” she assured reporters.

Studies indicate that voter fraud in the United States is extremely rare.

A comprehensive study by the Brennan Center for Justice found incident rates of voter fraud between 0.00004% and 0.0009% in various sample elections.



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