Large Charedi Draft Protest Held In Kikar Shabbos

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A large protest was held on Sunday at Kikar Shabbos in Yerushalayim, against the the enlistment of Charedim into the IDF.

The protest follows the Israeli Supreme Court ruling last week that the government did not have legal footing to not draft Charedim, and that funding for Yeshivos whose talmidim do not serve in the IDF should be halted.

Participants in the protest included members of the Eda Charedis, Sephardic Rabbanim, the Yerushalmi faction, and Chasidic leaders.

Before the official start of the protest, Rav Moshe Sternbuch addressed the crowd.

Protesters held up signs saying “We will not join the enemy army”.

During the protest, a car carrying Charedi Housing Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf, who had to be rescued by his security detail.



  1. Protesters held up signs saying “We will not join the enemy army”.

    There are few better ways to guarantee earning hostility and being seen as a problem who must be dealt with from people who may have been sympathetic to your cause than holding up signs calling their army the “enemy”.

  2. Maybe, instead of rioting, we should challenge the liberal idea of drafting us with proof that our religion/way of life is beneficial for Israel. Maybe we should provide evidence that we are actually a good thing. Let’s provide relevant examples.

    • Just looking at the refined boys and girls respectfully greeting teachers and rebbeiim, leaving the schools and yeshivos well-mannered, walking the streets quietly, doing loads of chessed, kindness and maasim tovim; no pink or green hair, or tattoos, or nutty earrings hanging from eyelids and cheeks; no guns in schools, etc. should show everyone in the world how refined religious Jews are.

      • Not when they scream and compare Jews to terrorists at the same time. You provide no proof to anything good by these 2 legged animals. They look no different then the BLM animals. Just different clothing.

        • LIAR! They were not comparing Jews to terrorists. They were comparing non-Jewish animals trampling holy Jews with their horses (which they would never do in protests in Tel aviv) to terrorists and nazis. They were all non-Jews.


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