LEARNING FROM THE FRUM: Gov. Kathy Hochul Considers Smartphone Ban In New York Schools

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Governor Kathy Hochul is contemplating a prohibition on smartphones in New York schools to enhance student safety and ensure their focus remains on education.

The governor asserts that children scrolling through social media during school hours is detrimental.

“Why are our young people on their devices all day long during school hours?” Hochul questioned in an MSNBC interview. “How are they learning?”

Hochul believes that addictive algorithms trap young people in a space that isolates them from real social interactions.

She proposes a simple solution — flip phones without internet capability — allowing parents to still contact their children in emergencies.

“You don’t have to be in the world of social media throughout the day,” she said.

However, many teenagers see their phones as indispensable.

“Sometimes teachers give us the opportunity to use them, so is it really that bad if I’m using it if I can,” remarked student Konsta Konstantopoulos.

Students at Stuyvesant High School informed Eyewitness News reporter Kemberly Richardson that some regulations already exist, such as no phone calls in the hallways.

Student Gabriella Vernik mentioned she doesn’t mind these rules.

“Usually, we have a five-minute break and I’ll check messages, but in class I’m focused on whatever teachers are doing,” Vernik said.

Hochul indicated she will likely introduce a bill later this year for lawmakers to consider in the next legislative session.

In the meantime, she intends to engage in discussions with parents and educators.

“I want to have conversations first, I think talking to the parents, I have already, this is something they would welcome,” she said.

New York City Schools Chancellor David Banks stated that phone use policies in public schools vary by school and will be reassessed considering Hochul’s proposed ban.

“Kids are on these phones 24 hours a day, and there is all types of research that is coming in, talking about all the negative impacts that it’s having on them,” Banks said. “In light of what the governor just said, I think it’s incumbent on us to absolutely start exploring these issues.”

{Dov T. Heller – Matzav.com}



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