Legal Expert Dismisses ‘Absurd’ Democratic Claims Filibuster Is Rooted In Racism

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Some Democrats pushing to end or change the filibuster have argued this week that the 60-vote threshold for passing bills in the Senate is racist and therefore should be eliminated — but one legal expert says that charge is simply untrue.

“That is an absurd claim and historically inaccurate,” Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative and senior legal fellow at the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, told the Washington Examiner.

“It has nothing to do with Jim Crow. In fact, remember, it started in 1806, when slavery was legal throughout the United States.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, said on Thursday that the filibuster “has deep roots in racism.” Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro, a Democrat, this week said the filibuster is “a relic of Jim Crow.”

Read more at Washington Examiner.



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