LOST JOE: Biden Wanders Away At G7 Summit Before Being Pulled Back By Italian PM

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President Joe Biden appeared to wander off at the G7 summit in Italy, with officials needing to pull him back to focus.

As world leaders applauded a parachuting presentation, Biden could be seen trailing off and stepping away from the group, appearing to talk to an officer packing a bag.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who hosted the meeting of world leaders, then pulled back the US president to get his attention so he can rejoin his fellow world leaders.



  1. And the sheeple still believe that this “President” “won” 81-million votes and is close to winning the upcoming elections LOL!

  2. He was certainly deep in concentration about issues back home a-la the southern border, crime, antisemitism on the rise etc. He is so, so-amazingly focused and dedicated! Brandon 2024!

    • NO HE DOESN’T and never did. Only dummies – sadly, esp. Jews – believe these mainstream lies. Most non-Jews are well aware that he’s an actor.

    • NO HE DOESN’T and never did. Only dummies – sadly, esp. Jews – believe these mainstream lies. Most non-Jews are well aware that he’s an actor. He was INSTALLED so that PRESIDENT TRUMP could complete his goal of draining the swamp in the world.

  3. Nancy Pelosi has stated empathetically that Joe Biden is THEE best choice, out of 80+ million democrats, to be the leader of the free world. Talk about the dumb leading the dumb.


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