Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘I’m Suing Nancy Pelosi’

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., says she is suing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

She made her comment in a Tuesday tweet, saying simply: “We’re suing @SpeakerPelosi.” She directed her followers to

The site shows a photo of Pelosi with the words: “HELP Marjorie Taylor Greene Sue Pelosi. Donate now.”

And it also says: “I’m suing Nancy Pelosi! Nancy Pelosi must be held accountable. Please rush an emergency $15, $25, $50, $100 donation – whatever you can afford – right away.”

However, nowhere in her tweet or her fundraising page does she specify why she is suing Pelosi and whether a suit has been filed.

Read more at NEWSMAX




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