Musician Ken Burgess z”l Passes Away

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It is with great sadness that reports the passing of musician Ken Burgess z”l. He was 77 years old.

Born November 26, 1944, Ken was a British-Israeli producer, composer, songwriter, singer and painter.

Born and raised in Dagenham, London, Burgess produced and wrote songs for various bands and singers in England, France, America and Israel. His songs reached the top of the charts worldwide. In total, Ken was registered as the producer and writer of over 500 songs.

Ken taught himself guitar at the age of 9, and at the age of 14 joined his first rock group, the Teenbeats.

Ken converted to Judaism over 30 years ago.

Later on, Ken famously worked with a number of frum singers, most notably Mordechai Ben David, Dudu Fisher, Yishai Lapidot, Amiran Dvir, and Yeedle Werdyger.

Ken owned the recording studio “United Studio” in Eretz Yisroel and after retirement pursued his other passion of painting landscapes and biblical events.

Yehi zichro boruch.

{ Israel}


  1. BD”E. Who can forget ‘there will be no lonely people’ from The Ohel Concert and ‘this time’ from MBD English Collection.

  2. I met Ken on a radio show on Radio Kol Chai in Israel nearly 30 years ago. It was a weekly show dedicated to Jewish music, and hosted different Frum music personalities every week. Meeting so many of these people I was struck repeatedly by the realization that Ken, a Ger Tzeddek, embodied much more Yiddish charm, humility, and eidelkeit than many of the FFB members of the “Jewish music scene”.
    יהי זכרו ברוך


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