Must Watch: The Perspective of Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky and Rav Hillel David on Kiruv in Brooklyn

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[COMMUNICATED]Which single factor would you attribute to the enormous transformation and success that the BJX organization (Brooklyn Jewish Xperience) has throughout the year as it ignites, impacts and inspires countless Yidden of all persuasions and backgrounds back to Avinu She’ba’shamayim?

“I don’t think there’s one magic bullet. The rabbanim and staff make an extraordinary effort to share the light of Torah, the joy of Torah and ahavas Yisroel in an atmosphere that is non-judgmental with every Yid,” explained Rabbi Moshe Fingerer. 

“Our Rav possesses a rare combination of great erudition, tremendous warmth and kindness, and a love for his fellow Jews. I didn’t find this elsewhere,” said Ashi Fivelson.

Baruch, a baal Teshuvah shared his reason for joining: “Joy, positivity and love of Yiddishkeit is always in the air at BJX”, he explained. 

“It’s incumbent upon every Jew to spread the light of Torah and Yiddishkeit to all of acheinu bnei Yisroel. If you are unable to do it yourself, then please support the work of BJX. That is what our organization does,” said Rabbi Moshe Fingerer. “They save neshamos and change lives. I have seen it first hand,” said Mr. Ephraim Haber.

The BJX centers are changing the face of Klal Yisroel. Every day, BJX reaches out to Yidden of all types and spreads Torah and Yiddishkeit throughout Brooklyn and beyond. Tens of thousands world-wide have already been impacted by their classes and programs.

365 days a year the BJX organization saves neshamos and changes lives. One day a year, they turn to you, for your help with their critical campaign so that they can continue to ignite the spark, kindle the flame and light the fire in each and every Yid.  

Please help BJX today during their crucial 36 hour campaign. Open your heart and pocket generously so that BJX can continue their amazing Avodah for Klal Yisroel! They have just 36 hours- every donation will be doubled. 

Watch the video above of Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky and Rav Hillel David and you will understand the all-encompassing chashivus of what BJX does.