Netanyahu Adviser: Biden Ceasefire Outline ‘Not A Good Deal’

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Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s political advisor, Ophir Falk, shared his thoughts on the ceasefire proposal put forward by President Joe Biden on Friday in an interview with the Sunday Times.

“It’s not a good deal, but we dearly want the hostages to be released, all of them. There are a lot of details to be worked out and that includes there will not be a permanent ceasefire until all our objectives are met,” Falk remarked.

Falk also characterized Biden’s speech from Friday as “a political speech for whatever reasons.”

{ Israel}


  1. “Biden Ceasefire Outline”? Since when do we give a hoot what actors suggest?

  2. this is a ONE-SIDED deal which Biden thinks will bring him more votes – after Trump’s court case Biden lost the election already – so nothing’s gonna help him.

    • Biden doesn’t think anything. Ever heard of dead people think?
      Haven’t you heard President Trump say “Biden doesn’t even know he’s alive.” He meant it literally!


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