Netanyahu: I Won’t Seek A Plea Deal

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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu denied in an interview with the Hebrew-language Walla! News website that he intends to seek a plea bargain in his trial.

“Not at all. The only deal I want to reach is the ‘Deal of the Century’, which brings huge tidings to the State of Israel,” said Netanyahu in the interview, which will be published in full on Saturday, denying claims by Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman that he is seeking such a deal.

“Absolutely not, and I rejected any attempt by journalists and others to promote such a thing,” he argued. “I said, ‘I’m going to shatter all the delusional allegations and the futile cases against me.’ I demand full transparency. I demanded that in my hearing, but the Attorney General refused.”

Netanyahu stressed that if, after the election, the Supreme Court accepts a petition stating that he cannot form a government, “it will be an outrageous thing. In a democracy, the people decide who will lead the people.”

Read more at Arutz Sheva.



  1. In a democracy, the people decide who will lead the people.”
    He’s absolutely right! מאה אחוז.
    If the people vote him in then they should be served what they asked for.


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