Netanyahu To ZAKA Volunteers: You Have Given Direct Testimony Of The Most Terrible Horrors

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On Thursday, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu met with ZAKA President Eyal Mashiach, ZAKA CEO Dubi Weissenstern, and ZAKA commanders and volunteers.

During the meeting, ZAKA members, representing diverse segments of Israeli society, including Jews, Arabs, religious, and secular individuals, provided compelling accounts of their challenging work. They detailed their efforts to locate and identify the bodies of victims in the communities near the Gaza Strip, carried out amidst hostile conditions. The volunteers described the gruesome acts committed by Hamas on October 7th, including tying up family members and setting them on fire, murdering children, verifying kills, and brutally assaulting women.

In addition to hearing about their on-the-ground experiences, Prime Minister Netanyahu learned about ZAKA volunteers’ engagement in public diplomacy both within Israel and globally. The volunteers emphasized their profound sense of mission in carrying out their sacred tasks.

Addressing the volunteers, Netanyahu acknowledged the gravity of the atrocities they witnessed, stating, “You have given direct testimony of the most terrible horrors that have been perpetrated against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.” He drew parallels between the recent events and the Holocaust, emphasizing that the only difference was the perpetrators’ capability. He expressed gratitude for their resilience in the face of such horrors and urged them to take care of themselves while continuing their vital work.

Netanyahu shared an account from a Bedouin Desert Patrol Unit, where Arabs and Jews fight side by side. Recounting the officer’s experience, he said, “The first thing that I saw on the way to the highway was the decapitated body of a woman, and I understand who we were facing.” He commended the volunteers for their strength and stressed the importance of sharing their powerful stories with the world.

Acknowledging the ongoing conflict, Netanyahu outlined the necessity of buying time through engagement with world leaders and shaping public opinion. He affirmed the volunteers’ crucial role in influencing public perception and, consequently, leaders. Netanyahu assured them that the fight would persist until its conclusion and emphasized the need for maneuvering room.

Expressing gratitude on behalf of the nation, Netanyahu stated, “The entire nation and all citizens of Israel appreciate what you are doing.” He highlighted the heightened significance of their efforts in the face of greater horrors and encouraged them to draw strength from the appreciation of the entire Israeli community, emphasizing the unity of the nation.

{ Israel}


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