Netanyahu: ‘We’re Approaching End of Stage of Eliminating Hamas Army’

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On Monday, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu held a meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office in Yerushalayim with cadets from the Israel National Defense College. During this session, he provided an overview of the ongoing combat in the Gaza Strip, Israel’s policies and operations across various sectors, particularly in the north, and the primary security challenges the country faces, with Iran being the foremost concern.

The Prime Minister highlighted the significant accomplishments of the security forces, especially the IDF, across all sectors, with a special focus on the Gaza Strip. He motivated the cadets to persist in their dedicated efforts to ensure Israel’s security as they prepare to assume key roles in the defense establishment.

Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed the cadets, saying: “I returned yesterday from a visit to the Gaza Division. I saw very considerable achievements in the fighting being carried in Rafah. We are advancing to the end of the stage of eliminating the Hamas terrorist army; we will continue striking its remnants.”

He continued, “I was very impressed by the achievements above ground and below ground, and by the commanders’ fighting spirit. With this spirit, we will achieve our objectives: Returning our hostages, eliminating Hamas’s military and governing capabilities, ensuring that Gaza will not constitute a threat and also returning our residents securely to their homes in both the south and the north.”

“We are on a very extensive front, and I am convinced that our forces – reservists and conscripts, IDF and our security services – can overcome our enemies,” Netanyahu asserted.

The meeting also included the Prime Minister’s Military Secretary, Maj.-Gen. Roman Gofman, and the Head of the IDF Depth Corps and Military Colleges, Maj.-Gen. Nimrod Aloni. Additionally, cadets from the militaries of Germany, Singapore, Japan, Italy, the Czech Republic, and South Korea were in attendance.

{ Israel}


  1. Netanyahu, if you wanted Hamas eliminated, why did you, the Mossad and IDF Chief, keep urging the Qatar’s to finance Hamas???


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