Neturei Karta Claims: We Are Working To Save Iranian Jew From Death Sentence

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Yisroel Meir Hirsch, a member of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta group that dresses like chassidic Jews, says that activists from his “community” are currently in Iran working to save 20-year-old Arvin Ghahremani, who was sentenced to death.

“Activists from the Neturei Karta community are currently in Iran. They are making a great effort to save the 20-year-old Jewish boy,” Hirsch stated in an interview with Radio Kol Berama.

Earlier this week, the Tehran Appeals Court denied the retrial request of Ghahremani, who was convicted for his involvement in a brawl that resulted in another man’s death.

According to Norway-based Iran Human Rights, Ghahremani is on the death-sentence list, and his execution could be imminent.

Ghahremani’s family argues that the court disregarded crucial evidence showing that Arvin acted in self-defense and even assisted in taking the injured man to the hospital in an effort to save his life.

The family asserts that all Arvin did was remove a knife from the hands of a man who was attempting to attack him.

{Dov T. Heller –}


    • Intersting every anti religious guy or low goy you have no problem with their pictures proudly posted check your values. By the way did anyone actually look into why they do what they are doing and what good came out of it besides bashing them because they don’t believe in the holy medinas yisroel. This doesn’t mean we agree In any way that their way is correct we have our gedolim that held not to do this way. Granted ,but do you have the same problem with satmar Chabad and ger that all do things differently than the litvish or even parts of the chasidishe world, we argue in shita and hashkafa but it never should become personal

  1. It is not a claim. NK is helping to save Arvin from a death sentence, r’l. No they do not dress like chassidim but are chassidim. Matzav, stop posting inciteful and hateful articles against them. Do your job and just post the facts.

  2. N K are Zionist agents. N K is able to enter Iran give information and act as go between Israel and Iran.
    Beware. N K plays both sides.

    But n k are always agents.


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