Newt Gingrich: Trump Will Get A Higher Vote Share Than Any Republican Since Eisenhower

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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, speaking on ‘Hannity,’ says that President Joe Biden has collapsed ahead of the 2024 election.



  1. Kaasher yaanu oso, kein yirbeh vechein yifrotz (Shemos 1:12) – the more they attacked Trump and tortured him, the higher will be his win.

    • His tens of thousands at each and every rally of his shows that he’ll probably get an over 90% win, especially since his first time around in 2016 he won 81% of the public and the second time was faked for a purpose.

  2. The Republicans alwat need to win by a larger margin than by what the Democrats cheat by. Unfortunately in 2020 the margin of Democrat cheating, was far too great to overcome. I think the Republicans also had their heads in the sand.


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