NY Gov. Hochul Suggests Deporting Mob of Migrants Who Pounded On Cops In Caught-On-Camera Attack

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Republican figures are urging the deportation of the unruly migrants involved in a widely publicized attack on two NYPD officers in Times Square. Governor Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, expressed openness to considering deportation, particularly if the suspects committed crimes against police officers and are not in the country legally.

“I think that’s actually something that should be looked at,” Hochul said. “I mean, if someone commits a crime against a police officer in the state of New York and they’re not here legally, it’s definitely worth checking into,” she said. “These are law enforcement officers who should never under any circumstances be subjected to physical assault,” Hochul added. “It’s wrong on all accounts and I’m looking to judges and prosecutors to do the right thing.”

In response to the violent incident captured on West 42nd Street, where NYPD officers were assaulted, Republicans joined the call for deportation. Staten Island Representative Nicole Malliotakis criticized the law preventing cooperation between NYPD and federal immigration enforcement, insisting that individuals committing crimes in the city should forfeit the opportunity to become part of the citizenry. Borough President Vito Fossella echoed these sentiments, connecting the incident to the city’s past acceptance of migrants and advocating for immediate deportation.

The designation of New York City as a “sanctuary city” complicates the deportation process, as it prohibits notifying US Immigration and Customs Enforcement about criminal defendants. However, legal experts emphasize that certain crimes, including assault on an officer, may lead to deportation after the conclusion of the case. Defense attorney Michael Bachner clarified that immigration courts typically do not view assaults on law enforcement officials favorably, and individuals found guilty could face removal after serving their sentence.

Five men were arrested for the Times Square attack, charged with second-degree assault on a police officer and obstruction of governmental administration. They were arraigned and released without bail. Three additional suspects are still being sought. The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, while not requesting bail for the accused, stated ongoing investigations and examination of new video footage. Governor Hochul’s office communicated with the Manhattan DA’s office, emphasizing the importance of holding offenders accountable under existing state law.

Governor Hochul expressed dissatisfaction with the handling of the attack, despite her overall support for bail reform measures passed by Democratic lawmakers since 2019. Mayor Eric Adams condemned the attack and called for the prosecution of the accused migrant individuals. Over 170,000 migrants have sought asylum in New York City since the spring of 2022, with more than 67,000 still housed in various shelters and hotels.



  1. What about deporting the illegal immigrants who are attacking people and homes?


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