NYC Mayoral Candidate Stringer Sounds Off On ‘Frustrating’ Vaccine Rollout

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Comptroller and 2021 mayoral candidate Scott Stringer panned New York’s “frustrating” coronavirus vaccine rollout on Sunday, while offering his own proposals to get the shots into the arms of city residents more rapidly.

Stringer sounded off on Twitter, joining a chorus of critics objecting to the sluggish process that has seen much of the state’s vaccine reserves go untapped.

“During the pandemic, our public hospital system has proven to be a national leader in #COVID19 testing,” he wrote in starting the thread. “That’s why this vaccine rollout has been so frustrating—we know we can do so much better.

“This is the city that never sleeps—let’s act like it.”

Read more at NY Post.



  1. I agree. This is all Trumps fault. Don the Con was my slogan and it’s 100% true. It was wildly successful in my presidential run.

  2. If the evil Governor Cuomo really wanted to get the vaccine out and rid us of this disease he would let the clinics also dispense the vaccines instead of prosecuting them when they do.

    The longer the disease lingers, the longer he can play dictator.

  3. If Governor Cuomo truly wanted to give out the vaccines as quickly as possible he would allow the clinics to give the vaccines instead of prosecuting them when they do.

    The longer the disease linger the longer he can play dictator.

  4. Pay close attention to his specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound solution that he is going to offer up. Then when you’re left grasping for that straw, realize that none of these politicians are S.M.A.R.T. There’s a bill in Albany to take people who are a public health menace (read Covid-19 infected) and put them in quarantine. Politicians in Albany and New York City should be more concerned with the menace they are to all facets of life.


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