OUT TO LUNCH: Biden Claims at Posh NJ Fundraiser That His Debate Debacle Impressed Undecided Voters

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President Joe Biden attended an upscale fundraiser at a New Jersey mansion yesterday, where he reportedly claimed that his poorly received debate against Donald Trump had actually swayed undecided voters to his side.

At the age of 81, the President made this questionable assertion during a private gathering hosted at the residence of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy. NJ.com reported that Murphy’s wife announced the event had raised $3.7 million.

Biden acknowledged to the intimate audience that his debate performance had been subpar, leading several prominent newspapers to suggest he withdraw from the race for reelection. However, he argued that voters had viewed the debate differently.

“Research during the debate shows us converting more undecided voters than Trump did, in large part because of his conduct on Jan. 6,” Biden told the small gathering, according to the news outlet. “People remember the bad things during his presidency.”

Biden claimed that it wasn’t just independent voters who were swayed; he also said his approval ratings among Democrats had improved following the debate.

This claim contradicts several recent surveys, including one commissioned by The Post, which indicated that Biden’s support had declined after the debate with Trump.

“I didn’t have a great night, but I’m going to be fighting harder,” Biden told the crowd, the report noted.

First Lady Jill Biden sought to comfort the supporters, sharing that her husband had immediately acknowledged his poor performance after leaving the debate stage.

“You know, Jill, I don’t know what happened. I didn’t feel that great,” she recalled him saying to her.

This private fundraiser was the second event the Bidens attended that day. Earlier, they mingled with wealthy donors at the Hamptons residence of hedge-fund billionaire Barry Rosenstein and his wife Lizanne.

During this event, a plane flew by with a banner that read “BI-DONE!” across the sky.

{Dov T. Heller – Matzav.com}


  1. The biggest idiots are the ones showing up to a Biden fundraiser and departing with their money. Dumb stupid democrats.

  2. The debate was a sham to awaken the brainwashed who have still not figured out what has been in front of most people’s faces for years.

  3. He was merely hard of hearing, he was informed that That His Debate Debacle pressed Undecided Voters (away from Dem party voting).


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