OUTRAGE: Terrorist Granted Lenient Plea Deal because ‘He Has Two Children’

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A terrorist from the Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades was granted a lenient plea bargain, according to Almog Boker of Channel 13. The terrorist was arrested after launching 5 rockets at Sderot, and then attempting to infiltrate Israel in 2022. He was charged with attempted murder, five counts of transporting and carrying weapons, and illegally entering Israel.

The terrorist reached a plea bargain of only 17 years in prison for his crimes. The judges explained the reasons for the decision: “The lack of previous convictions, the time that passed, and because he has two children.”

The judges noted that “it is difficult to exaggerate the severity of the actions of the suspect who was a substantial link in carrying out rocket launches at Sderot, indiscriminate fire at the population with the aim of mass killing as well as property damage.”

The judges described in detail the severity of his actions, but then proceeded to sentence him to a lenient punishment. “To our dismay, the reality teaches that these actions have more than once led to deadly results.”



  1. Obliterate his kids so he can get a death sentence. Anyhow after 17 years they won’t be kids anymore so they won’t need him.they probably will become terrorists and will join him in prison anyway

  2. Maybe keep him in prison for life so the pig won’t sire any more children.if let go after 17 years the pig will sire more piglets and then ask for leniency because he has more than two children.

  3. Put his kids near the idf air force bombings 8n gaza.that would be the end of his stupid early release that he has 2 children.actually you can put him there too 8n the direct line of the AF bombings.then would even have to sit for 17 years


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