Poll: 70% of Republicans Say 2020 Election Was Neither Free, Nor Fair

Washington Post photo by Jabin Botsford
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A new poll suggests that 70% of Republicans believe the 2020 election was neither free, nor fair.

The poll of 1,987 registered voters, conducted by Morning Consult and Politico, began before Election Day, though most interviews were done afterward.

A majority of both Democrats and Republicans appear to have believed the election would be free and fair before the votes were counted, but the result have changed their impressions radically.

Read more at Breitbart.



    • 1:22, yeah ostrich, of course you can trust an election where only the Democrats were allowed to actually count the vote and any Republican observers were not allowed to actually observe. Continue to keep you bird-brained head in the sand, my friend.

    • 1:23, Joseph Stalin said it’s not who votes, but counts the votes that counts. Only in banana-republic elections the observers are not given a free access. How do you like your bananas, my friend?

  1. No one will say. I bet he won the male vote.

    Donald should challenge the legality of the 19th amendment.

    We eagerly note a man can tell his wife and daughters who to vote for. It is unfair.

    If the amendment is banished, it would be madness for the time to grip up. But that is not crazy.

    This is crazy. My neighbor is married with a yet unmarried daughter. 3 votes. I avail a set up for wrong bible.

    Donald did win my bet. Who says not. The women. They are bunching the wage.

    • hope you’re realizing what just happened

      The FCC prohibits broadcasters from intentionally distorting the news.

      And @POTUS
      FCC appointment getting confirmed TODAY – under 24 hours after FCC flings made against networks who falsely claim Biden is president elect

  2. Dear 3:12, please do us all a favor: since you love the Dumborat Party so much, move to one of the 100% Dumborat controlled-for-generations areas, such as the downtown Detroit. And under no circumstances you should be allowed to evacuate to a conservative location once NYC will proceed further towards its goal of becoming a Detroit. Stay in the toxic hole you have helped to create, you fool.

      • 6:22pm dumbo, who cares how some individuals choose to destroy themselves, as long as they don’t attack me nor go into my pocket to pay for their choices’ consequences. Stay on the topic, and stop manipulating. Don’t evacuate from New York; enjoy the socialist-fascist nirvana you helped to build.


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