Poll: Almost Half Of Republicans Would Join Trump Party

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Nearly half of Republicans say they would abandon the party as it is currently structured and join a new party if former President Trump was its leader, according to a new poll released Sunday.

A Suffolk University-USA Today poll found that 46 percent of Republicans said they would abandon the GOP and join the Trump party if the former president decided to create one. Only 27 percent said they would stay with the GOP, with the remainder indicating they would be undecided.

“We feel like Republicans don’t fight enough for us, and we all see Donald Trump fighting for us as hard as he can, every single day,” a Republican and small-business owner from Milwaukee told the newspaper. “But then you have establishment Republicans who just agree with establishment Democrats and everything, and they don’t ever push back.”

Trump has not indicated the details of his political future. But after his acquittal in his second impeachment trial, Trump issued a scathing rebuke of Republican leadership, specifically Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.)

Read more at The Hill.



  1. I’m surprised half would not……..actually not. I’m sure they all are seeing all of PRESIDENT BIDENS accomplishments and are finally switching over. EMBRACE the LIGHT.

  2. Let them split up their party, all the better for us!!! The Democrats will never lose an election again and this country will finally come to being a true “land of the free.” I can’t wait.

    • The problem on the other side is that there is a loud nutty far left that is every bit as bad as Trump, and is REALLY pissed off that Biden won the election.

  3. I guess I’m from the other half. President Trump was a great President. He had his chance. Now, it’s time to move on. We don’t need him becoming the Hillary Clinton of the Republican Party.

  4. However, splitting up conservative voters between 2 parties could hurt conservatives in future elections, so while 50% of me comprehends the idea, the other 50% of me is wary about it. As a matter of fact, I think I have a splitting headache now. But I only have extra strength aspirin. Should I take the whole pill, or should I split it in half?

    • Splitting conservatives between two parties can mean sane US leadership for the next generation if we can just keep the nutty far left from taking over the Democratic Party. Biden has almost completely frozen them out of his Administration’s appointments and they are royally pissed.


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