Poll: Americans’ Willingness To Get The Coronavirus Vaccine Is On The Rise

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Two-thirds of Americans (66%) say they will try to get vaccinated now that multiple Covid-19 vaccines are approved and beginning to be made available to the public, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.

That’s up from about half in October (51%), before any vaccines had been approved for use.
The rollout of vaccines to fight the virus — which has shut down much of the country for nearly a year — appears to be tilting public opinion toward optimism that the worst is behind us.
Overall, 49% say the worst of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States is behind us (up from 44% in October), while 47% say that the worst is ahead. Among those who say the worst is behind, 62% say they feel that way because there are vaccines available. No other reason reaches double-digits, but 9% each cite the administration change in the White House and that we know more about the virus now.
On the other side, among those who say the worst is still to come, no single reason dominates, but many say their pessimism is because people are not taking the virus seriously or not following guidelines (18%), vaccines are not widely available yet (17%) or the recent rise in cases and deaths (17%).
Read more at CNN.


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