Poll: Biden Has Lowest Approval in 15 Years, 71 Percent Say Economy ‘Bad’

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President Joe Biden is currently facing the lowest job approval rating among chief executives in the last 15 years, according to a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll. The poll indicates that Biden’s approval stands at 33%, marking the lowest since the tenure of then-President George W. Bush from 2006-2008. Correspondingly, there is a significant disapproval rating of 58%, as reported by ABC News.

The juxtaposition of approval and disapproval numbers raises the possibility of bolstering support for the ongoing House GOP investigation into Biden’s alleged influence peddling and the potential consideration of impeachment. The negative sentiments expressed in the poll suggest a growing skepticism and concern regarding the actions and decisions made by the President.

The ABC/Ipsos poll delves into election-related comparisons, spotlighting former President Donald Trump as the clear front-runner in the 2024 Republican presidential primary race. Trump is identified as the GOP candidate with the best chance to win the general election by 68% of respondents. Among voters within their respective party, Trump enjoys greater support at 72%, surpassing Biden’s 57%. This pattern echoes the sentiments observed in May, where 75% of GOP-leaning voters expressed satisfaction with Trump as the party’s nominee.

Biden encounters challenges in demographic support, particularly among Black and Hispanic communities. His job approval rating is notably 21 points below average among Black individuals and 15 points below average among Hispanics, in contrast to a 6-point difference among white individuals. Noteworthy is the divergence in Biden’s support among Black voters when categorized by age. While 65% of Blacks aged 50 and above approve of the president, only 32% of those younger than 50 express similar sentiments. This shift indicates that younger Black voters, once considered a reliable Democratic base, are no longer guaranteed to support the party’s candidates.

The age factor also plays a role in the comparison between Biden, 81, and Trump, 77. Biden trails Trump by nearly 20 points (28% to 47%) when voters assess the “mental sharpness” required to serve as president, and by almost 30 points (28% to 57%) when it comes to “physical health.” These statistics underscore concerns about Biden’s fitness for the demanding role of the presidency.

Given the perennial importance of the economy in electoral decisions, Biden’s standing is notably weak. A significant 71% of respondents perceive the economy as being in bad shape, including 74% of independents and 49% of Democrats. Only a meager 24% of ABC/Ipsos respondents view the economy positively. This widespread dissatisfaction highlights the challenges faced by President Biden in managing economic concerns during his tenure.

The ABC News/Ipsos poll, conducted from Jan. 4-8, collected opinions from a random national sample of 2,228 adults.


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