President Herzog Visits Kever of Chasam Sofer

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Concluding his state visit to Slovakia, President Isaac Herzog visited today the kever of the Chasam Sofer.

The kever lies in what was the historic cemetery of the Jewish community in the city of Bratislava (historically known as Pressburg). The cemetery was largely destroyed with the construction of the tunnel-road under Bratislava Castle in 1943, however through negotiations, an important fraction of the cemetery containing the graves of the rabbis was preserved encased in concrete. In 2002 a modern memorial was erected above the site.

Following his visit to the kever, the President met with representatives of the Jewish community of Slovakia.

The President was received by the Chief Rabbi of Slovakia, Rabbi Baruch Myers, and by the Chairman of the Jewish Community of Bratislava, Pavel Miller.

In a somber moment of reflection by the grave, the President lit a memorial candle and placed a stone on the kever. The Chief Rabbi then recited Kappitel 21, before the President said Keil Malei Rachamim.” The Chief Rabbi then sounded a shofar.

{ Israel}


  1. “President Herzog Visits Kever of Chasam Sofer”
    Since this site is based in the United States, not Israel, the headline should read “Israeli President Herzog…”


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