Putin Poised to Deploy New Stealth Submarine Armed with Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles

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Russia’s new advanced stealth submarine, equipped with nuclear-capable hypersonic cruise missiles, has embarked on its maiden voyage.

NATO remains on high alert as Russia’s cutting-edge stealth submarine, Arkhangelsk, completed its initial sea trials this week. As part of the latest Yasen-M class, Arkhangelsk represents a significant enhancement to Vladimir Putin’s navy, which has faced significant setbacks during the conflict with Ukraine.

Experts warn that this nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine could evade detection by Western adversaries. During a crisis, Arkhangelsk could pose a serious threat to NATO military bases, naval convoys, and critical onshore infrastructure.

President Putin’s new vessel will be armed with formidable 6,670 mph nuclear missiles and is expected to join the Russian navy later this year. It will be stationed at the Zapadnaya Litsa submarine base, just 60 km from Norway, a NATO member.

The submarine will be equipped with Tsirkon missiles, also known as Zircon, a Russian hypersonic cruise missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

Footage released earlier this week showed Arkhangelsk undergoing its first sea trials in Severodvinsk, a closed city on the White Sea where the submarine was built.

This move marks the latest show of strength from President Putin’s navy.

Last week, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak received a classified briefing after a Russian nuclear submarine was spotted off the coast of Scotland.

The Kazan, another advanced Yasen-class submarine, was detected on June 5 and tracked by an RAF maritime surveillance aircraft. It navigated up the west coast of Ireland to Scotland, nearing Britain’s nuclear naval base at Faslane.

Military leaders were concerned that the 13,800-ton vessel was scouting for vulnerabilities along NATO’s periphery.

The same submarine docked in Cuba earlier this week. The Admiral Gorshkov frigate and the Kazan submarine arrived in Havana on Wednesday after conducting “high-precision missile weapons” drills in the Atlantic Ocean.

The fleet’s proximity to the US, passing just 25 miles from its coast, evoked chilling memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The fleet is also anticipated to visit Venezuela, a longstanding adversary of the United States.




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