Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Refuses to Meet with Shin-Bet, “99% of Violence is Arabs”

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With the Muslim month of Ramadan approaching, the Chief Rabbi of Tzfas, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, has been approached by the Shabak, which wants his cooperation in calming possible tensions in mixed Jewish-Arab cities. Rabbi Eliyahu, however, has refused to meet with representatives of the Shabak’s Jewish Department, Arutz Sheva reports.

“I have the greatest of respect for the Shabak,” Rabbi Eliyahu told Reshet Bet, “and I used to meet with them. But this political department of theirs wants to portray Jews as being responsible for the problems we have here, when 99 percent of violent incidents are caused by Arabs. Is Jewish graffiti really going to ignite the Middle East? …What Jewish crime are they talking about? There are lies being spread here, and I won’t be party to their attempts to draw parallels.”

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. The Rabbi is very smart. Never ever trust the Shin Daled! They are the sitra acheir and suton all rapped into one. They are the force of rah in this world.


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