Rasmussen Poll: Biden to Blame for High Gas Prices

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A majority of likely voters blamed President Joe Biden for escalating gas prices, a Rasmussen Reports survey found, Newsmax reports.

Voters were asked, “Who bears the responsibility for higher fuel prices?” A total of 51% answered Biden, with the oil companies (26%) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (15%) a distant second and third, respectively, Rasmussen Reports said Wednesday.

“The average price of a gallon of gasoline, which was $2.20 in November 2020, rose to $3.50 by November 2021, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, and is now $4.21,” Rasmussen Reports said.

A total of “61% think Biden has not done enough to stop the rising price of gasoline, home heating oil and other petroleum products, while just 27% believe Biden has done enough,” according to the report.

An overwhelming number (84%) of voters said that higher fuel prices were a serious problem, Rasmussen found. Of those respondents, 61% said it was a very serious problem.

Making matters worse for Biden, 54% of independent voters blamed the president for the rising gas prices.


  1. No no no. The high prices are because Trump colluded with Putin and the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Hillary deserved to be President. She earned it.


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