Rav Shneur Zalman Yudkin zt”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rav Shneur Zalman Yudkin zt”l, a devoted elder chossid of Chabad who exhibited extraordinary mesirus nefesh in Russia and later embarked on a journey of inspiration and touching neshamos across many communities.

Born in 1925, Rav Shneur Zalman received his education at Yeshiva Torah Im Derech Eretz in Riga, Latvia, drawing profound inspiration from the teachings of Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch.

He embraced Chassidic teachings and became a fervent Chabad chossid. He often recounted the remarkable sacrifices his father made to uphold Yahadus in Russia, including enduring imprisonment for performing a bris on his son.

Throughout his life, Rav Shneur Zalman and his family steadfastly upheld their commitment to Yiddishkeit.

They eventually settled in Crown Heights, where they immersed themselves in limud haTorah and avodas Hashem.

Rav Shneur Zalman was known for his charitable endeavors, raising funds for Chabad institutions.

His mere presence brought joy to others, inspiring them towards greater piety and devotion to avodas Hashem.

He leaves behind six children, along with many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

His wife, Rebbetzin Yenta, predeceased him.

The levayah was held on Erev Shabbos at the Montefiore Cemetery in Queens.

Yehi zichro boruch.



  1. When, how, and why did he convert from “drawing profound inspiration from the teachings of Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch” to the Habad Hasidic faith?

    • Huh! Huh what’s your exact problem? If he would of stayed with the German version of Judaism he might have been a good Christian by now!

    • He was always Lubavitch. He also drew inspiration from Rav Hirsch. He drew inspiration from many gedolim, both Chasidish and litvish. You apparently never were zoche to meet this yid.

    • I’m not a Chabad chusid but I see that Matzav doesnt feel the need to censor the dig on Chabad (convert to Habad Hasidic faith). So I guess I must. Its not a conversion, its finding a derech that works best for you in service of Hashem. But the Yeki/ Litvak in you cant see truth for what it is.

  2. BDE. He was the sweetest man on the planet. Wherever he went he touched people with his incredible warmth and with his piety.
    As far as I recall he lived in Kiryat Malaachi in Eretz Yisroel and not in Crown Heights. If someone can shed light on that it would be appreciated..


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