Report: Trump Banned from UK, Canada, Other Countries After Guilty Verdict

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Former President Donald Trump may be banned from the United Kingdom, Canada, and other countries should his felony conviction hold up, Breitbart reports.

The former president will likely appeal his conviction, which may or may not be overturned before the November election. Should the former president win the election before the conviction could be overturned, certain countries would have to make an exception if he were to visit on official business. Per The Independent:

Nearly 40 nations – inlcuding Canada and the UK – have strict policies when it comes to allowing individuals with criminal records across their borders, and barring a special accommodation, Trump would be held to those same standards. It’s unclear if he would be allowed to visit if he wins the presidental election in November, but remains a felon.

According to the Canadian government’s tourist hub, any “US Citizen or permanent resident that has a felony conviction on their criminal record may be deemed inadmissible to Canada for the purposes of immigrating, or even if they’re merely coming to Canada to visit.”

Under UK law, a felon can visit Ireland and Scotland with some restrictions and requirements in place. However, Britain can bar access to convicted felons.

Various other nations, such as Israel and Australia, have laws on the books regarding felons who visit the country, which may be subject to interpretation should the former president win the election this November.

The big question now will be whether or not the conviction will be enough to shift momentum away from former President Trump in Biden’s favor going into the November 5 election. While it will take at least a week to get accurate polling on the matter, establishment Republican Karl Rove, who has been critical of Trump in the past, said on Fox News last week that a guilty verdict could potentially cost Trump key swing voters in crucial states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

“If he is found guilty, let’s not underestimate that there is a problem,” said Karl Rove.

“Think about this. Those numbers, like 11% less likely to vote for him, think about Michigan where they’re, in the RealClearPolitics average, Donald Trump is up by one half of 1% — or Pennsylvania, where he’s up by 2%, or Wisconsin, where he’s up by 3/10 of 1%,” Rove continued. “So in a close race, like we’re likely to have, having 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11% of the electorate less likely to vote for you is a problem.”


Regardless, the former president has not lost favor with his enthusiastic base of supporters, raising a whopping $53 million in campaign donations just 24 hours after the conviction.



  1. From Canada? That’s okay. They want all the poor downtrodden Palestinians to move there. I hope that Trudeau will make sure all the Palestinians are fully vaccinated before entering. Vinishmartem.

  2. Another misleading fake headline

    Headline implies that they just issued a ban on his entry, which they did not

    You are stating that he is included in a previous ban of felons
    I’ll know next time not to click


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