Retirement Talk Growing Around Rep. Jerry Nadler

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Rep. Jerry Nadler, a liberal warhorse who has represented Manhattan’s West Side in Congress since 1992, may pack it in at the end of his current term, insiders tell The NY Post. “People are wondering when he would decide to retire,” said one associate, who noted that Democrats could lose control of the House of Representatives next year, with Nadler facing a prolonged future in the minority. “He has a fighting spirit but maybe now is the time to exit,” the insider added.

A second person around Nadler said the congressman has refused to give a straight answer when the subject comes up. Nadler, like every member of the House, would be up for reelection in the 2022 midterms. He is unlikely to face a serious primary.

Though the 74-year-old has long been a vigorous and vocal legislator, some say age and ill health have finally caught up with him. Two people who saw him recently said he could barely walk. Read more at the NY Post.



  1. It’s about time there was a Hymishe Chusid with a shtreimel in Congress.

    Pincus Ezra Friedlander has been a representative of Jerry Nadler for many years, has worked closely with him, and his deep identification with and connections to the Democratic party are well known.

  2. Nadler initiated and pushed legislation that is contrary to the 3 capitol sins in Judaism. Does he really represent us?????????????????????????


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