Rockets Fired at Sderot as IDF Expands Offensives in Gaza

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Two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip at the Sderot area of southern Israel on Sunday afternoon, with one intercepted and the other striking an open area.

There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

Earlier in the afternoon, rocket warning sirens sounded in Ashkelon. In the early hours of Sunday, three people were lightly wounded when a rocket scored a direct hit on an apartment there.

Also on Sunday afternoon, Rafah terrorists targeted the Kerem Shalom area, with two launches from southern Gaza that were intercepted by the IDF aerial defense array, the military said. There were no casualties or damage from the attack.

The Kerem Shalom area has been targeted several times over the past week, including a strike on May 5 that killed four Israeli soldiers.

That rocket attack forced the closure of the primary crossing for humanitarian aid from Israel to Gaza. It was reopened on May 8, only to face more rocket attacks by Gaza terrorists.

On Friday evening, Hamas fired nine rockets from Rafah at Beersheva, hitting a playground.

The increased rocket fire from Gaza at southern Israel comes as the IDF expands its operations in the last Hamas stronghold in southernmost Gaza and begins a major operation in Jabalia in the north following attempts by Hamas to reestablish itself in areas where the IDF had previously established operational control.

The IDF said that the lack of a government decision to replace Hamas with another authority to manage Gaza has wasted many of the military’s operational achievements and could threaten the wider war effort as the enemy continues to attempt to reestablish itself.



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