SCENES FROM RAFAH: IDF Releases Footage of Booby-Trapped House

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Yesterday, the IDF released footage from a drone taken inside Rafah. In the footage, an IDF drone enters a civilian home in Rafah, only to find large barrels filled with explosives.

The IDF stated on X: “This is a home in Rafah that Hamas has booby-trapped. Just one out of many examples where Hamas embeds itself within civilian population and infrastructure.”

The post continued: “Hamas continues prioritizing their terrorism over the safety of Gazans. We will continue our operations to dismantle Hamas in accordance with international law.”

The IDF’s Nahal Brigade, under the command of the 162nd Division, is currently operating against terrorist operatives and infrastructure in the Rafah area.

Over the past few days, it’s soldiers located large numbers of weapons. These included a rocket launcher with six launchers aimed at Israeli territory, a weapons storage facility containing dozens of grenades, explosives, AK-47s, ammunition and vests.



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