Senate Confirms Wormuth As First Female Army Secretary

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The Senate on Thursday confirmed President Biden‘s nominee to be Army secretary, making her the first woman in the job a day after a procedural mixup stalled her historic appointment.

The Senate approved Christine Wormuth’s nomination to lead the Army by unanimous consent on Thursday morning after confirming and then un-confirming her the night before.

Wormuth worked in the Pentagon during the Obama administration and most recently has served as the director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at the RAND Corp.

Wormuth also served as the head of Biden’s Pentagon transition team, a role she took over after Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks stepped aside to focus on her own confirmation process.

Read more at The Hill.




  1. Can this fake media stop already? There’s no Senate since Trump – who’s in control of the army – stepped aside for a while until the army will complete their task.


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