SHOCK: Shabbos Goy in Shikun Skver Let Go….for Being a Yid

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A long-time Shabbos goy in Shikun Skver has been dismissed….for being a Yid.

You see, the 70-year-old Shabbos goy – who identifies as Catholic and previously worked for the NYPD – is actually Jewish.

The truth emerged during a casual chat with a Skverer resident, during which the Shabbos goy revealed that his grandmother was Jewish and had lived in a village near Kiev, Ukraine.

Word spread rapidly, and Skverer dayanim directed local askanim to investigate and verify the claim.

A thorough investigation into the man’s background confirmed that the man, who had served as a Shabbos goy for over 15 years, is indeed halachically Jewish.

Consequently, he was politely let go from his position, with askanim explaining that he could no longer be employed in that capacity.



  1. Amerah liakum is a very serious avaira. These irresponsible people, wherever they may be, rely on very shaky weak “heteirim”. Spoiled brats, in my opinion. How can we circumvent the halachos of Shabbos? Siz shver tzoo zein ah yid. Same thing with those that carry on Shabbos, relying on those that argue with Rav Moshe ZT”L.

  2. First, we have that Labenese chosson from a little while back who was ‘let go’ because he WASN’T Jewish…. and now we have this Shkverer Shabbos goy who is being ‘let go’ because he IS Jewish..
    Oh boy! We got to get our facts a little better..

    • I have heard that one of Moshiach’s jobs will be to let all the people who are Jewish (but don’t know it because of decades of intermarriage R”L) know of their true heritage.

      I did come here to say the second part of your comment.

      A 70-year-old Ba’al T’shuva who became a Skeverer Chassid.

      Stranger things have certainly happened. ‍♀️‍♂️

  3. I wonder if he can file a federal lawsuit after being fired from his job for being Jewish!
    In the early 1900’s Jews were fired for not working on Shabbos. In 2024 a Jew is fired for working on Shabbos!

  4. Don’t tell so-called goyim to turn on or off your lights and air conditioners on Shabbos kodesh and you won’t have these sort of problems.

  5. Who was the expert that could verify this? Bubba in Kiev, presumably before the Revolution. The real dirt-bags are the ones who besmirch the Sqverer. Could the gentleman not genuinely have thought he was a mamishe goy? And what about the excellent comment about Kiruv? Sounds like a coversation between the Three Stooges.

  6. It clearly states in the article that they inform this gentleman that he would no longer be able to be employed in this particular capacity.
    I am sure that they have found a way too still compensate him.
    You can’t imagine this being his very lucrative retiree income.
    Some people really love the drama.


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