SICK HATE: PA Chairman Abbas: “Nazis Only Killed Jews For Their Money”

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The chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, has been recorded making comments that promote anti-Semitism and downplay the Holocaust, suggesting that Jews were not targeted because of their Jewish identity, but rather because of their social and economic roles. Abbas stated, “This is explained in many Jewish books. They say that Hitler killed them because of their Jewishness. Not so. They (the Nazis) fought them because of their social role and not because of their religion.” He further asserted, “Hitler fought the Jews because they dealt in usury and money.”

Regarding the Jewish immigration from Arab countries, Abbas contended that Jews were not expelled from these nations but claimed that Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, orchestrated violence and sabotage among Jewish communities to force them to emigrate. He mentioned incidents in Iraq and Egypt as examples, saying, “He sent people on his behalf to Iraq to kill, destroy, and hide explosives in synagogues and all kinds of places in order to force the Iraqi Jews to emigrate, and that is what really happened. In Egypt, there was the Lavon Affair, and then the same thing happened in Morocco.”

Abbas made similar comments a year ago, asserting that Palestinian Arabs are defending their religious and historical narratives while challenging the narrative of the “occupation,” which he believes lacks historical, factual, and legal basis. He claimed that all historical evidence and documents support the Palestinian identity of Yerushalayim, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and other holy sites in Yerushalayim, both for Islam and Christianity. Abbas also argued that the Quran provides divine evidence of the Palestinian identity of Yerushalayim and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

{ Israel}


  1. PA Chairman Abbas: “Palestinian Terrorists Only Kill Jews Because They Just Happen To Be Jewish
    The chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas said Monday that “Palestinian terrorists only target Jews because of their Jewishness, and for no other reason than THAT.”
    “We hold no personal animosity towards the Jews,” THE PA Chairman told the Terrorist Times, “we murder the Jews because we despise their Jewish identity.”
    Mr. Abbas added: “We also believe that the land that G-D gave to Abraham, Issac and Jacob is OUR land, and not the land of the Jews, hence we have no choice but to murder the Jews and to seize the land that G-D stole from us and gave to them.”

  2. So then why didn’t he just confiscate their money? Why did he want to kill all Jews living in Palestine when they had not a penny to their name.
    Who is worse machchchmood Abbas or hitler

  3. Of course why would anyone wanna kill them because they’re Jews. He’s never met such a person before. certainly not in Ramala there are no such creatures.

  4. “SICK HATE: PA Chairman Abbas: “Nazis Only Killed Jews For Their Money””

    Not sure why the headline doesn’t match the story, as the story notes that “Hitler fought the Jews because they dealt in usury and money.” That’s not the same as “for their money”, of course.

    Besides, that doesn’t make his statement “SICK HATE”. The Nazi murder of million so Jews is the “SICK HATE”; the exact motivation for that “SICK HATE” doesn’t really matter.

  5. “Regarding the Jewish immigration from Arab countries, Abbas contended that…Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, orchestrated violence and sabotage among Jewish communities to force them to emigrate. He mentioned incidents in Iraq and…“In Egypt, there was the Lavon Affair, and then the same thing happened in Morocco.””

    The terrorist is, of course, being factual regarding the wicked Zionists.
    For those curious, you can simply search “Lavon Affair” in your favorite search engine.


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