SICKENING: Guterres to Put Israel on UN Blacklist

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United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has notified IDF Attaché in Washington, Major General Hedi Silberman, of his decision to add Israel to the blacklist of countries and organizations that harm children in conflict zones. This list already includes Russia and terrorist groups such as ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram.

Despite Israel’s extensive efforts to dissuade Guterres, the decision stands, and Israel will be listed in the report scheduled for release next week.

Insiders familiar with the situation described it as a foregone conclusion. “The current Secretary-General hates Israel – and it is impossible to influence him. Israel’s inclusion in the blacklist is very problematic and may cause countries in the world to impose an arms embargo on Israel.”

It is anticipated that the report will not directly name the State of Israel but will state that “Israeli security forces” are to blame for the situation.



  1. Maybe someone can explain to me what Israel (or for that matter the US) gains from belonging to this organization?

  2. Honestly, Who Cares? We don’t need the approval of the nations.

    Apparently the ONLY purpose of the U.N. Is to make Klal Yisrael united in tefila to Hashem. Until we realize this, it seems that Hashem will keep making them do stupid stuff to get our attention.

  3. Gutter rat never disappoints.

    He will take the low road every time.

    There is a picture of a young Gutter rat and his good pal Arafat floating around.

    No need to know more.


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