“SILENCE THEM”: Pollard: Israel Should Have Imprisoned Some Hostage Families ‘To Silence Them’

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In a recent online conversation with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim of the Shilo Institute, former Israeli intelligence operative Jonathan Pollard expressed controversial views on how Israel should have handled families of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

“When we declared war, the first thing that the government should have done was to declare a state of national emergency and told all of the hostage families, ‘You will keep your mouths shut, or we will shut them for you. You will not interfere in the management of this war. You will not be used by the international community or by our own leftists, who managed the Shalit deal, as a weapon against us,’” he says.

“And if that means imprisoning, to silence certain members of hostages’ families, then so be it. We’re in a state of war,” adds Pollard, who served decades in US prison for espionage before being released during former US president Barack Obama’s tenure and later being allowed to move to Israel by then-president Donald Trump.

Critically reflecting on the recent approval of a new hostage deal by Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, Pollard criticized the decision and expressed his disillusionment with the far-right Religious Zionism party, which supported the agreement.

“I was dead-set against turning all these posters out, the kidnapped, with all these pictures of these poor people that were kidnapped,” Pollard adds. “Why? Because each one of them was a poison dart at our ability to wage total war against our enemies.”

Pollard advocated for Israel to continue the conflict without entering into any deals, even if it meant sacrificing Israeli hostages.

{Matzav.com Israel}


    • ???
      The sad truth, is that Pollard is correct IN THEORY.

      1-Approx 70 Soldiers already lost their lives, with major Nissim that many more haven’t perished.

      2-The Hostages lives are NOT more important than the soldiers lives.

      3-The “Truce” will undoubtable blunt the momentum on the Israeli side, on many levels. Endangering MANY soldiers AND Civilians in Eretz Yisroel.

      4-The Government is doing this knowing the dangers, BECAUSE OF PUBLIC SENTIMENT, due in part to the vocal expression of the Hostages families [no one can blame them].

      5-If there is ANY-ONE who has the cred to state this [obvious] fact, it is Pollard.
      Who sat as a Solitary Prisoner for most of his life TO HELP AVOID MANY YIDDISHE tragedies.

      Your ignorant statement about “thanking Israel” is laughable.
      If anything Israel should Thank Pollard, for Giving his life away for them. [PS for decades Israel didnt do much to help him.

      Aron K
      Lakewood NJ

  1. Hes a hurting yid.
    Who was in jail (captivity) for 27 years
    Doesn’t it make sense that hes triggered now by everything

    Everyone needs to just leave him be.

  2. Although extreme, what he is saying is 100 percent correct. I don’t know if imprisoning them as a “last resort” is a realistic approach, but shutting them up somehow would certainly have been wise. We are now, as a result of not shutting them up, in a situation where we can no longer “win”, since the cease-fire will obviously put the terrorists back in business, and because it will now be difficult to go back to a state of war. Not to mention all the new mayhem and murder that will result from it and from the release of 150 Palestinian prisoners. Oy, Rbsh”a, help us!

    • look at the damage this old Yocheved lady that was released has done. She was asked not to speak and instead of going off on Hamas; she did a bit in a limited way and then went on to criticize Israel….. Liberals are very dangerous and while he is gutzy to be saying what he says there is some truth to it.

  3. chutzpa nifla!!!!!! When he was imprisoned the whole world x10 rallied and did everything for him. Kepp your mouth shut and say thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Pollard said they the families must stay silent and not get in way of destruction of Hamas. Prison in his words were last resort.


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